Marina Plyta

Marina Plyta
  • Early stage researcher, Perspectum Diagnostics
  • WP2 "A multicenter randomized double blind placebo controlled (parallel arm) clinical trial on the efficacy of Mastiha supplement in NAFLD/NASH patients".
  • Secondment to Harokopio University of Athens, August 2017

Marina is a Dietitian-Nutritionist, graduade of the department of Nutrition and Dietetics of Harokopio University of Athens. During her bachelor thesis on ‘’ ’The effectiveness of daily consumption of vitamin D2 –enhanced mushrooms in healthy women with 25 - OH - D insufficiency; a double - blind, randomized clinical trial’’ she ran a randomized clinical trial and gained experience in designing RCTs as much as implementing one. As a result, she is competent in patient recruitment, nutritional counseling and anthropometric measurements. Regarding her laboratory skills, she gained experience in handling biological samples and applying sandwich ELISA assays for inflammatory markers.

After graduating, she completed an Erasmus+ placement at Queen Mary University of London, where she got trained at handling large data base and performing gene-diet interactions using genome association and statistical analysis software.

From August 2017 to April 2018, Marina is seconded from Perspectum Diagnostics (Oxford, UK) to HUA (Athens, Greece), where she was involved in patient recruitment and follow-up of the MAST4HEALTH clinical trial. Furthermore, she expanded her knowledge in lab techniques, performing blood and erythrocyte separation and PBMC isolation.